Ministries, Ministers & Expenditure

CEOPrime Ministers office 10 Downing Street
Board of DirectorsCabinet office
1. General public services2. Defence3. Public Order and safety4. Other economic affairs5. Protecting Environment6. Housing & Communities7. Health8. Recreation, culture, religion9. Education10. Social protection
DepartmentHM TreasuryHMRCForeign & commonwealthInternational developmentMinistry of DefenceHome officeMinistry of JusticeAttorney generals officeB E I SDepartment for transportD E F R AHousing & communitiesDepartment of healthDigital culture media sportDepartment for educationWork and pensions
£ 748 billion Spend493.52.59.5404280.527.532.511121531189.5274.5
2020Rishi Sunak 13/02/2020Anne-Marie Trevelyan 13/02/2020Suella Braverman 13/02/2020Alok Sharma 13/02/2020George Eustice 13/02/2020Oliver Dowden 13/02/2020
2019Sajid Javid 24/07/2019Jesse Norman 23/05/2019Dominic Raab 24/07/2019Alok Sharma 24/07/2019 Ben Wallace 24/07/2019 Priti Patel 24/07/2019Robert Buckland 24/07/2019Andrea Leadsom 24/07/2019Grant Shapps 24/07/2019Theresa Villiers 24/07/2019Robert Jenrick 24/07/2019Nicky Morgan 24/07/2019Gavin Williamson 24/07/2019Therese Coffey 8/09/2019
Rory Stewart 1/05/2019 Penny Mordaunt 1/05/2019
2018Jeremy Hunt 9/07/2018Sajid Javid 30/04/2018David Gauke 8/01/2018Geoffrey Cox 9/07/2018James Brokenshire 30/04/2018Matt Hancock 09/07/2018 Jeremy Wright 9/07/2018 Dasmian Hinds 8/01/2018Amber Rudd 16/11/2018
Matt Hancock 8/01/2018 Ester McVey 8/01/2018
2017Mel Stride 12/06/2017 Penny Mordaunt 9/11/2017Gavin Williamson 2/11/2017David Lidington 11/06/2017Michael Gove 11/07/2017David Gauke 11/06/2017
2016Philip Hammond 13/07/2016Jane Ellison 15/07/2016Boris Johnson 13/07/2016Priti Patel 14/07/2016Amber Rudd 13/07/2016Liz Truss 14/07/2016Greg Clark 14/07/2016Chris Grayling 14/07/2016Andrea Leadsom 14/07/2016Sajid Javid 13/07/2016Karen Bradley 14/07/2016Justine Greening 14/07/2016Damian Green 14/07/2016


Ministries and Ministers (page 2)

CEOPrime Ministers office 10 Downing Street
Board of DirectorsCabinet office
1. General public services2. Defence3. Public Order and safety4. Other economic affairs5. Protecting Environment6. Housing & Communities7. Health8. Recreation, culture, religion9. Education10. Social protection
DepartmentHM TreasuryHMRCForeign & commonwealthInternational developmentMinistry of DefenceHome officeMinistry of JusticeAttorney generals officeB E I SDepartment for transportD E F R AHousing & communitiesDepartment of healthDigital culture media sportDepartment for educationWork and pensions
2015Michael Gove 9/05/2015Sajid Javid 11/05/2015Greg Clark 11/05/2015John Whittingdale 11/05/2015
2014David Gauke 15/07/2014 Philip Hammond 14/07/2014Michael Fallon 15/07/2014Jeremy Wright 15/07/2014Liz Truss 15/07/2014Sajid Javid 9/04/2014Nicky Morgan 15/072014
Nicky Morgan 9/04/2014
2013Sajid Javid 7/10/2013
2012Greg Clark 4/09/2012Justine Greening 4/09/2012Chris Grayling 4/09/2012Patrick McLoughlin 4/09/2012Owen Paterson 4/09/2012Jeremy Hunt 4/09/2012Maria Miller 4/09/2012
2011Philip Hammond 12/10/2011Justine Greening 14/10/2011
2010George Osborne 11/05/2010Mark Hoban 12/05/2010William Hague 12/05/2010Andrew Mitchell 12/05/2010Liam Fox 11/05/2010Theresa May 12/05/2010Kenneth Clarke 12/05/2010Dominic Grieve 12/05/2010Vince Cable 12/05/2010Philip Hammond 12/05/2010Caroline Spelman 12/05/2010Eric Pickles 12/05/2010Andrew Lansley 11/05/2010Jeremy Hunt 12/05/2010Michael Gove 11/05/2010Ian Duncan Smith 12/05/2010


Select committee reports

1. General public services4. Economic affairs
Economic categoryGeneral servicesPublic & international servicesDebt interest2. Defence3. Public Order and safetyEconomic developmentTransport5. Environmental protection6. Housing & community7. Health8. Recreation & culture9. Education10. Social protectionEU Transactions
DepartmentHMRCInternational developmentHM TreasuryMinistry of DefenceMinistry of JusticeB E I SDepartment for transportD E F R AHousing & communitiesDepartment of healthDigital culture media sportDepartment for educationWork and pensions
£ 756 billion3.512494032.527.532.511121531189.5274.58
2019Economic crime Service Complaints Ombudsman Prison Governance Post Office Coastal flooding Drugs policy Lessons from 1WW centenary Special needs Universal credit
IT Failure Financial Services Russia and the INF treaty Courts & Tribunals Safety Electrical Goods Plastic packagingNHS plan Immersive & addicitve technologies 10 year school funding plan Two child limit
Financial Conduct Authority Rehabilitation Automation & Future of work Medicinal cannabis Online Harms Early years disadvantage Universal credit natural migration
Anti-Money Laundering Magistracy Energy Efficiency Sexual health Social participation in culture Welfare safety net
Budget 2018 Prison population Executive rewards First 1000 days of life DisinformDation subcommittee Benefit cap
Future of Audit Disinformation & Fake newsPension costs & transparency
Industrial strategy
Carbon Capture


Select committee reports (page 2)

1. General public services4. Economic affairs
Economic categoryGeneral servicesPublic & international servicesDebt interest2. Defence3. Public Order and safetyEconomic developmentTransport5. Environmental protection6. Housing & community7. Health8. Recreation & culture9. Education10. Social protectionEU Transactions
DepartmentHMRCInternational developmentHM TreasuryMinistry of DefenceMinistry of JusticeB E I SDepartment for transportD E F R AHousing & communitiesDepartment of healthDigital culture media sportDepartment for educationWork and pensions
2018Brexit & Bank of England Defence in the Arctic Criminal legal aid Small business productivity Regulation of water industry Prison health Failure of a witness - Dominic Nursing apprenticeships Universal credit child care Brexit & Pharma
Crypto assets UK arms exports 2016 Disclosure of evidence Food, farming, environment Antimicrobial resistance Doping in sport Apprenticeships Universal credit disabled people Brexit & Food and Drink
Household finances Beyond 2 per cent British Steel pension scams Electric Vehicles Air quality Funding adult social care HE Value for Money Universal support Brexit & Automotive
Women in Finance North Korean ThreatYoung adult offenders Gender pay gap Brexit food trade Childhood obesity Exclusions scandal Benefit sanctions Brexit & Aerospace
Childcare Amphibious capabilityHMP Liverpool Carillion Integrated care Social mobility Universal credit & domestic abuse Business response to Brexit
Student loans F35 procurementTerrorism sentencing Mental health Universal credit self employed Brexit & Medicine
Autumn Budget 2017 Air quality Assistive TechnologyBrexit & creative industries
Nursing workforce Employment support for carers
Universal credit project assessment
Gambling on Efficiency Governor empowerment Modern employment Forestry Primary Assessment PIP & ESA claimant experience Brexit & Civil nuclear
2017Army strategy Domestic abuse Corporate Governance Poultry processing standardsFostering Framework for employment Brexit & Energy Policy
Northern Ireland fatalities BHS & Corporate governanceIndustrial stategyFeeding the nation Multi-academy trusts Universal credit 6 week wait Brexit health care
Naval shipbuildingGig Economy Food waste Teacher recruitment & retention Supported housing Brexit & Higher Education
Grammar schools Child maintenanceBrexit & UK Justice
Youth employment
Modern slavery
Citizen's income

Select committee reports (page 3)

1. General public services4. Economic affairs
Economic categoryGeneral servicesPublic & international servicesDebt interest2. Defence3. Public Order and safetyEconomic developmentTransport5. Environmental protection6. Housing & community7. Health8. Recreation & culture9. Education10. Social protectionEU Transactions
DepartmentHMRCInternational developmentHM TreasuryMinistry of DefenceMinistry of JusticeB E I SDepartment for transportD E F R AHousing & communitiesDepartment of healthDigital culture media sportDepartment for educationWork and pensions
2016Maxwellisation of critical reports BBC Monitoring Inspectorates UK Arms in Yemen Flood prevention Suicide prevention BBC CharterSocial work refromConcentrix scandal
Review of OBR Syria operations Restorative justice Teaching Excellence Payments to farmers Winter A&E pressure BBC while paper Holocaust education Intergenerational fairness
Failure of HBOS Lariam for military personnel Prison safety Productivity Plan Impact of spending review Worldclass connectivity Mental health of children in careJob Centre plus
EU costs & benefitsRussia and UK security Community & custodial sentencing Digital economyPrimary care Cyber security BHS scandal
Spending review Autumn Budget 2015 Training fatalities Employment at Sports DirectInformation commissioner Support for ex offenders
2015Autumn Budget 2014 Iraq & Syria Prison planning Steel industry crisis Defra performance Diet & Exercise Tourism Extremism in schools Benefit delivery
EU budget contributionsDefence decision making Health & Safety Offences Transatlantic Trade Committee work 2010-15 End of life care Future of BBC Life lessons Welfare to work
Re-thinking defence threats Women offenders Support for business Food securityComplaints & Raising concerns Academies & Free SchoolsBenefit sanctions
Flexible responseRobbery offences Education, skills & IndustryChildhood obesity
2014Co-op Bank Failure Arms export controls Theft offences Business University collaboration Waste management Children's mental health Women & SportWhite working class underachievement Benefits fraud & error
Fiscal sustainability report Intervention Why, when and how Crime reduction Extractive industries Winter floods Long term care Online safetyChildren's residential homes Universal credit implementation
Autumn Statement 2013 Deterrence in 21st Century Serious fraud office Scottish independence Tree health Accountability 16 + care optionsMonitoring DWP performance 2012-13
Private finance 2Remote piloted planes Student loans Accountability GMC Adult literacy Access to work for disabled
Budget 2014Afghanistan attackRoyal Mail privatisation Public Health England Role of Jobcentre plus
Arms exports Retail SectorPublic expenditure on health Accountability Care Quality Commission

Select committee reports (page 4)

1. General public services4. Economic affairs
Economic categoryGeneral servicesPublic & international servicesDebt interest2. Defence3. Public Order and safetyEconomic developmentTransport5. Environmental protection6. Housing & community7. Health8. Recreation & culture9. Education10. Social protectionEU Transactions
DepartmentHMRCInternational developmentHM TreasuryMinistry of DefenceMinistry of JusticeB E I SDepartment for transportD E F R AHousing & communitiesDepartment of healthDigital culture media sportDepartment for educationWork and pensions
2013Spending round 2013 Securing the future of Afghanistan Fraud, bribery, money laundering Overseas students net migration Managing flood risk Mid Staffordshire Health breakdown Supporting creative economy Sure Start Centres Work place pensions
Autumn Statement 2012 Defence implication of Scottish IndependenceOlder prisoners Open Access Rural communitiesAfter Francis - NHS accountabilityFootball governance School governing bodiesWork programme
OBR Fiscal responsibility reportScrutiny of Arms exportsEnvironmental offences Equity markets & long term decisionFood contamination Emergency services School partnerships Universal credit implementation
Fixing LiborPowers of information commissionerCode for pubs Beef contamination Clinical excellence Consumer Rights
Sexual offences Women in the workplace Accountability nursingPayday loans
Translation services Apprenticeships
2012FSA report Failure of RBS Operations in Libya Freedom of information Act 2000 Consumer debt management follow up Water White Paper Alcohol strategy Library closures Great teachers Youth unemployment
Tax compliance gap Libya operationsProbation service Higher education Hazardous waste Education & Training News Int. Phone hacking Governance & Leadership in DoE
Autumn Statement 2012 AfghanistanConsumer Debt managementSocial Care Racism in FootballChild protection
Budget 2012Scrutiny of Arms ExportsLocal enterprise Leveson inquiry
Private Finance Initiative Public expenditure on health
2011Effectiveness of HMRC Youth justice China trade & investment EU future of dairy Complaints & Litigation Channel 4 Annual report Housing benefit changes
Budget 2011 Drugs & burglary Rebalancing the economy Hens welfare Press standards privacy & libel
Principles of Tax policy Family courtsAssistance to industry Waste water
Assault Sheffield Forgemasters loan cancellationFlood management