Her Majesty's Government Financial Statements
This website summarises Her Majesty's Government's published financial information, as a reference for discussion of fiscal and monetary policy and social expenditure.
The UK government has been at the forefront of promoting financial transparency throughout the world.
Since 2010, HMG has published audited financial statements, the Office for National Statistics publishes the Public Expenditure Statistical Analysis (PESA), and the Office for Budget Responsibility scrutinizes government budgets in light of both sets of information.
This information is fundamental to any serious discussion of government policies proposed or implemented.
The information is subject to several layers of scrutiny: by the National Audit Office, the Public Accounts Committee, Departmental Select Committees, as well as a wide variety of non governmental organisations tackling social issues.
At the same time this information is often difficult for the non specialist to access and interpret, and so less referenced in discussion than might be desirable.
This website is a contribution to the ambitious vision of Open Government. By enabling readier access to this information for the concerned citizen, it is an aid to more informed political discourse.